What Are The Signs Of A Failed Root Canal Procedure?
What is a Root Canal?
A root canal is a dental technique to save a tooth badly decayed or infected. It involves removing the infected pulp and cleaning and disinfecting the root canals before filling and sealing them. The root canal procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, meaning you will feel little to no pain.
The dentist will use special tools to access the pulp cavity and remove the infected or damaged tissue. Then, they will clean and shape the canals before filling them with a special material called gutta-percha. Finally, the tooth will be sealed with a filling or crown to protect it from further damage. While root canals have a reputation for being painful, the truth is that they are a highly effective and safe way to save a damaged tooth and restore oral health.
What are the Signs of a Failed Root Canal?
There are several signs you need to visit an endodontist near you for a root canal, and they include:
- Pain and Discomfort
Pain and discomfort are common symptoms of a failed root canal. It can manifest in various ways, including sharp shooting pains, dull aches, or throbbing sensations. Discomfort may also occur when biting down on food or applying pressure to the affected tooth.
Ignoring the pain and discomfort could lead to further damage and even tooth loss.
If you experience pain after the endodontic procedure, visit a dental office near you. They can assess the situation and provide appropriate treatment options to alleviate your symptoms.
- Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures
Tooth sensitivity can be incredibly uncomfortable and even painful for those who experience it. If you feel pain whenever you eat something hot or cold, it may be time to revisit your dentist and discuss the possibility of a failed root canal. Sensitivity to temperature changes often indicates that bacteria have re-entered the tooth.
- Swollen or tender gums
A failed root canal can be a nightmare for anyone undergoing the procedure. Not only does it cause pain and discomfort, but it also put your oral health at risk. If you experience swelling or tenderness in the gums around the affected tooth, this may be a sign of a failed root canal. This could indicate that there is still infection in the tooth, which can spread to other parts of the mouth if left untreated.
Ignoring these symptoms can lead to serious complications such as abscesses, bone loss, and tooth loss. It is important to seek treatment from your dentist if you notice any signs of a failed root canal. Your dentist in Chicago may need additional procedures to remove the infection and ensure the tooth is properly sealed to prevent further damage.
- Pain when biting or chewing
Pain when biting or chewing can indicate a failed root canal. It’s important to pay attention to this symptom and seek dental care as soon as possible.
Biting or chewing should not cause pain in a healthy tooth, but if you’ve had a root canal procedure done on the affected tooth, it could indicate that something has gone wrong. Pain when biting or chewing may mean that the filling material used during the root canal procedure has become loose or dislodged, allowing bacteria to enter the tooth again.
- Changes in Appearance
When a root canal fails, it can lead to discoloration of the affected tooth. This can be caused by an infection or damage to the nerve tissue inside the tooth. Sometimes, the tooth may even become darker or blackened in color.
Another change in appearance that may occur with a failed root canal is a visible crack or chip in the tooth. This can happen if the tooth becomes weakened due to the initial procedure or subsequent infections.
It’s important to note that these changes in appearance may take weeks to develop. That’s why scheduling regular check-ups with your dentist is crucial to catch any potential issues early on.
A failed root canal can lead to further complications and possibly even tooth loss. Your dentist can evaluate the situation and provide the necessary treatment to restore your dental health. Visit Lawn Dental Center If you are experiencing any of these symptoms.